Sunday, September 30, 2007

Air force one! - Air Force One Reviews

The edge of the seat thrills were fun. The acting was about par for actors the caliber of Harrison Ford, and Glenn Close. Gary Oldman turned in an A One performance. I do have to say though, I never saw a 747 that was so labrynthine. Also, one question, what was the secret service man's motive in going turncoat?

Best harrison ford movie - Air Force One Reviews

This is the best Harrison Ford movie that I have seen. The story is great, the direction is great, and the whole concept is great. Harrison Ford is a great president and fighter.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

One of harrison ford's best! - Air Force One Reviews

This movie just keeps getting better and better every time I see it. The film really means a lot to me now since we are in a war on terrorism. Ford's president character and especially his speech at the beginning of the movie reminds me a lot of our real life president, George W. Bush. This is one of Harrison Ford's best movies, I rank it right below Indiana Jones and Star Wars. Goodness, for 55 years old (Ford's age when this movie was done) Ford is stil able to kick some serious @$$. That's great, a four star movie in my book (****)

Pure entertainment - Air Force One Reviews

A movie to keep you riveted in your seat. Harrison Ford plays the president who is onboard the Air Force One when it is hijacked. Maybe I'm just a sucker for hijacked-plane movies, but I loved this one. The story, though not creative is good enough and the acting is awesome, coming from almost the entire cast. better than average visuals, in all, a captivating movie.

Exciting fantasy - Air Force One Reviews

Watch this movie and then you will know why there are long lines at airport security check-points. The Secret Service was protrayed in a very bad light in this movie. Harrison Ford played his role very well, as usual. This thriller has some very exciting parts that keep you wondering if maybe the good guys aren't going to win this one. Entertaining.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Good movie, plot so-so - Air Force One Reviews

I don't know what it is about this movie that makes me like it. I am a Harrisson Ford fan, so his performance eased the pain of a semi-believable plot. The fact that the film tells the worst case scenario of a plane hijacking was interesting, but somewhat unreal. On the whole, good acting makes up for holes in the plot.

Standard action thriller - Air Force One Reviews

It follows the basic rules and has the same kind of surprises that are to be expected from such a film. The leads do a great job getting you interested in their characters. The action is well done and the special effects are mostly good. But as the film wears on you get tired of the same old thing happening again and again. It's good to watch in a once a year type way.