Monday, September 24, 2007

A fun ride with harrison ford as your pilot - Air Force One Reviews

You'll be surprised about how much you'll like Air Force One. It stars everyone's favorite action actor, Harrison Ford, and the actor known for his villainous roles, Gary Oldman. Harrison Ford plays a political role in this film, much like his roles as Jack Ryan in the Tom Clancy films. He is the president of the United States, and he boards his Air Force One plane just like any other day, but a group of Russians board the plane as well, and they gain power when a traitor on the plane gives them guns. The head of the Russian group is Gary Oldman's character, and he takes just about every person on the ship hostage, including the president's wife and daughter. It appears that the president has taken the escape pod off the plane, but really he's hiding somewhere on the bottom floor. Oldman tells the Vice President(Glenn Close) that every 30 minutes he will shoot a hostage until they can give him what he wants, which is something like Russia's former evil general brought out of jail and given control over Russia, so that Russia can declare war on America. Meanwhile, the president is making his way across the plane, and must decide whether to negotiate with the terrosists or fight them, which could sacrifice the lives of his wife and daughter. This movie is a rollar coaster that you hope goes on for a long time. Though it doesn't really get past two hours, you'll love what you experience. Harrison Ford, once again, delivers a powerful performance but not enough to send him to the Oscars. But despite his lack of nominations, I look forward to seeing him strike again in Indiana Jones 4. Gary Oldman is once again the villain, and this may be one of his best roles. Air Force One is a fun ride, with the magnificent Harrison Ford as your pilot.

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