Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Terrorists will do anything to get what they want - Air Force One Reviews

Imagine the situation: The plane carrying the president of the United States is hijacked. For a while nobody knows if he's dead or alive, then he is taken hostage on his own plane. Harrison Ford lives through this in Air Force One. I recently purchased the DVD and thought I would recommend it to people. You know what's going to happen from the beginning if you have seen the trailers. You know that when the president supposedly escapes, he's still on board because you haven't heard the words, "Get off my plane!" It puts in perspective what extremes terrorists will go to in order to get their point across. We saw it three years ago on live television. I'm not justifying what they did. However, the United States does tend to show disregard for human life. But this could be turned into a huge debate. What about the people who support these groups? Should they be allowed to live? We really don't know what people the terrorists (led by Gary Oldman) are referring to when the say innocent people die. Are they really innocent? It hurts their chances to gain sympathy from the audience. It makes us wonder how easily swayed our commander-in-chief would be if he had a gun to his head. The violence is relentless, and there are a few curse words here and there, but it isn't anything we haven't seen on the news or heard from our parents. It keeps you on the edge of your seat the first time, but the suspense cools off by the fourth or fifth time you see it (like me). However, next to other suspense movies Harrison Ford has done like The Fugitive or Clear and Present Danger, this one ranks as one of the best.

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