Sunday, September 30, 2007

Air force one! - Air Force One Reviews

The edge of the seat thrills were fun. The acting was about par for actors the caliber of Harrison Ford, and Glenn Close. Gary Oldman turned in an A One performance. I do have to say though, I never saw a 747 that was so labrynthine. Also, one question, what was the secret service man's motive in going turncoat?

Best harrison ford movie - Air Force One Reviews

This is the best Harrison Ford movie that I have seen. The story is great, the direction is great, and the whole concept is great. Harrison Ford is a great president and fighter.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

One of harrison ford's best! - Air Force One Reviews

This movie just keeps getting better and better every time I see it. The film really means a lot to me now since we are in a war on terrorism. Ford's president character and especially his speech at the beginning of the movie reminds me a lot of our real life president, George W. Bush. This is one of Harrison Ford's best movies, I rank it right below Indiana Jones and Star Wars. Goodness, for 55 years old (Ford's age when this movie was done) Ford is stil able to kick some serious @$$. That's great, a four star movie in my book (****)

Pure entertainment - Air Force One Reviews

A movie to keep you riveted in your seat. Harrison Ford plays the president who is onboard the Air Force One when it is hijacked. Maybe I'm just a sucker for hijacked-plane movies, but I loved this one. The story, though not creative is good enough and the acting is awesome, coming from almost the entire cast. better than average visuals, in all, a captivating movie.

Exciting fantasy - Air Force One Reviews

Watch this movie and then you will know why there are long lines at airport security check-points. The Secret Service was protrayed in a very bad light in this movie. Harrison Ford played his role very well, as usual. This thriller has some very exciting parts that keep you wondering if maybe the good guys aren't going to win this one. Entertaining.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Good movie, plot so-so - Air Force One Reviews

I don't know what it is about this movie that makes me like it. I am a Harrisson Ford fan, so his performance eased the pain of a semi-believable plot. The fact that the film tells the worst case scenario of a plane hijacking was interesting, but somewhat unreal. On the whole, good acting makes up for holes in the plot.

Standard action thriller - Air Force One Reviews

It follows the basic rules and has the same kind of surprises that are to be expected from such a film. The leads do a great job getting you interested in their characters. The action is well done and the special effects are mostly good. But as the film wears on you get tired of the same old thing happening again and again. It's good to watch in a once a year type way.

Air force one - Air Force One Reviews

I for one think that Harrison Ford could actually make a good president (in movies that is.) He looks like he knows what hes doing and says everything like he actually means it. He is the president in the movie Air Force One about the president's plane being taken over by a terrorist played by Gary Oldman. Once the plane is taken over, the president is forced to take out each terrorist while hiding. It is pretty much like the first Die Hard except on a plane. Air Force One is a pretty cool movie.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

A fine adventure - Air Force One Reviews

This is certainly a good movie to watch on a rainy day. Good action, good acting (especially Harrison Ford near the end of the movie) and well paced. I thought some of the special effects looked a little fake at times, but the well written script made up for it. If you're looking for a movie that isn't too high on the logic scale, but thrilling and fun to watch - this is a good one to see.

An average showing for ford - Air Force One Reviews

Harrison Ford gives a mediocre performance in Air Force One, but his good acting chops almost carry this "edge-of-your-seat thriller that chronicles the epic battle of the President of the United States versus gun-toting terrorists who take over Air Force ", to quote the summary. The visuals arent that bad, though, but the "thrill" element is gone. Is not thrilling, or at least not to this critic. My vote for #10 on the top movies of 1997. **1/2 stars.

Action hero president - Air Force One Reviews

If someone had told me there would one day be a movie about a President ?Ford? and a mishap involving AIR FORCE ONE, I would have thought Chevy Chase would surely play the lead. (AIR FORCE one must be understood from the standpoint of a president -- Clinton -- who lacked any military service record, and not from one -- Bush -- who tried to cultivate an image of landing fighter planes on carrier ships.) But, Wolfgang Petersen?s AIR FORCE ONE is not that kind of movie. This AIR FORCE ONE is about President James Marshall (Harrison Ford), a decorated war-hero and political maverick; a sort of respect-commander, in chief. After a tough, anti-terrorist speech in Moscow, his plane is taken over by hijackers who board the craft posing as Russian journalists (with some inside help from a traitorous Secret Service agent). In the fire-fight that ensues, the president?s security detail manages to shepherd the boss (but, not the First Family) to an escape pod, which is then released with parachutes. Needless to say, however, President Marshall is not in that pod, and the bad guys are not off the hook. But, the hijackers, led by a ruthless nationalist (Gary Oldman), do not immediately realize that the President is still on board until a few of the terrorists start turning up dead. The balance of the movie is about how Marshall manages to communicate to his vice-president (Glenn Close) and staff that he is still secretly aboard the presidential plane, and begins to out-smart and out-maneuver the captors, until the tide is finally turned. Of course, it goes down to the wire in hand-to-hand combat and spectacular air-borne sequences, until there is but one man standing ? literally ? aboard AIR FORCE ONE. Due to the nature of the plot (there?s precious little of it beyond what I have sketched out, above), I cannot discuss any more of the content of the film; I know that many of you will see it, which renders the material as sort of classified pop-information. Instead, I would like to examine the way the President of the United States is portrayed in this film, and how that treatment flows out of certain, recent trends in Hollywood. Consider All the President?s Men, which tightly revolves around President Nixon, but never exactly barges into the Oval Office the way Oliver Stone?s Nixon later would. And, think of all those disaster movies in which the President is always a mystery man who is shot always with his back to the camera, or in silhouette C never revealing the identity of ?The President.? More recent films showed us a human face, but made sure to conceal the political preferences of movie presidents: What was the party affiliation, for instance, of the president this director (Petersen) put In the Line of Fire? It is only a recent phenomenon for make-believe presidents to be examined in more intimate ways. This trend has shadowed a similar tendency in the way we treat real-life politicians. In The American President, Michael Douglas actually falls in love in the White House. Far from the shadowy figure of seventies films, in Hot Shots: Part Deux, Leslie Nielsen is actually a laughable, prat-falling commander-in-chief. Independence Day gave us the first action-hero, fighter-pilot president. But, the ultimate attempt by Hollywood to humanize the presidency has been seen in attempts ? in films like Forrest Gump and Contact ? to erase the line between history and entertainment, and let real presidents walk into make-believe worlds. Some see, in a movie like AIR FORCE ONE, restored respect for the institution of the presidency. In the context set out above, I see it as the final demystification of that office and the necessary, postmodern deconstruction of a national symbol. But, enough of what AIR FORCE ONE looks like from the standpoint of removed contemplation; up-close and personal, it?s a thrill-a-minute, action-packing, rollicking blockbuster of an American summer-time hit! It?s not a lot of things, but it doesn?t even try to be. It?s an honest, straight-forward, tidy action film, and as such, it delivers better than any other movie that was made in 1997. (Carlos Colorado)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Die hard on the presidents plane! - Air Force One Reviews

This is what I like to call DIE HARD on the presidents plane. A group of Russian terrorists takeover and demand their leader be released. But the president himself (Harrison Ford's coolest role ever) an ex-soldier works from hiding to defeat them!

Terrorists will do anything to get what they want - Air Force One Reviews

Imagine the situation: The plane carrying the president of the United States is hijacked. For a while nobody knows if he's dead or alive, then he is taken hostage on his own plane. Harrison Ford lives through this in Air Force One. I recently purchased the DVD and thought I would recommend it to people. You know what's going to happen from the beginning if you have seen the trailers. You know that when the president supposedly escapes, he's still on board because you haven't heard the words, "Get off my plane!" It puts in perspective what extremes terrorists will go to in order to get their point across. We saw it three years ago on live television. I'm not justifying what they did. However, the United States does tend to show disregard for human life. But this could be turned into a huge debate. What about the people who support these groups? Should they be allowed to live? We really don't know what people the terrorists (led by Gary Oldman) are referring to when the say innocent people die. Are they really innocent? It hurts their chances to gain sympathy from the audience. It makes us wonder how easily swayed our commander-in-chief would be if he had a gun to his head. The violence is relentless, and there are a few curse words here and there, but it isn't anything we haven't seen on the news or heard from our parents. It keeps you on the edge of your seat the first time, but the suspense cools off by the fourth or fifth time you see it (like me). However, next to other suspense movies Harrison Ford has done like The Fugitive or Clear and Present Danger, this one ranks as one of the best.

Da preisdent - Air Force One Reviews

When I was younger, this was the first ever rated R movie i saw in the theater. I am glad I did, because this was an edge of your seat thriller, the whole way through. Harrison Ford plays the president, who on a trip with his family gets his airplane highjacked by terrorist. When they think he escapes to safety, they are wrong to assume he would leave his family behind. Definatly a movie that will never loose its freshness, and can be viewed for many years to come.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wow!! - Air Force One Reviews

Only a few movies ever get to be of this calibur where you can watch it over and over again and not get tired with the repitation of the scenes and the dialogs. A perfect 10, yeah maybe not oscar worthy but who cares!! this is one fun movie to watch over and over again.

One of the best movie of 1997 - Air Force One Reviews

Air force one is one of the hell yea good movie of 1997. Harisson ford made the best movie in hollywood. gary close made a perfect cast in this popular film. i give this movie a 4 stars **** out of 5

Synosis of airforce one - Air Force One Reviews

This film is about the American preident who not not only had the gut of issuing killing orders but also had the ability to kill when required to safeguard his family & countrymen. Harrison Ford gave in a power packed performence as the us president in this pulsating film.........

Monday, September 24, 2007

A fun ride with harrison ford as your pilot - Air Force One Reviews

You'll be surprised about how much you'll like Air Force One. It stars everyone's favorite action actor, Harrison Ford, and the actor known for his villainous roles, Gary Oldman. Harrison Ford plays a political role in this film, much like his roles as Jack Ryan in the Tom Clancy films. He is the president of the United States, and he boards his Air Force One plane just like any other day, but a group of Russians board the plane as well, and they gain power when a traitor on the plane gives them guns. The head of the Russian group is Gary Oldman's character, and he takes just about every person on the ship hostage, including the president's wife and daughter. It appears that the president has taken the escape pod off the plane, but really he's hiding somewhere on the bottom floor. Oldman tells the Vice President(Glenn Close) that every 30 minutes he will shoot a hostage until they can give him what he wants, which is something like Russia's former evil general brought out of jail and given control over Russia, so that Russia can declare war on America. Meanwhile, the president is making his way across the plane, and must decide whether to negotiate with the terrosists or fight them, which could sacrifice the lives of his wife and daughter. This movie is a rollar coaster that you hope goes on for a long time. Though it doesn't really get past two hours, you'll love what you experience. Harrison Ford, once again, delivers a powerful performance but not enough to send him to the Oscars. But despite his lack of nominations, I look forward to seeing him strike again in Indiana Jones 4. Gary Oldman is once again the villain, and this may be one of his best roles. Air Force One is a fun ride, with the magnificent Harrison Ford as your pilot.

Air force one rocks - Air Force One Reviews

this movie was a wonderful look at what would happen if Air Force One would really be taken over. the director of this movie has another movie coming out with Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom called Troy, this movie is a must see.

Also from the director of troy - Air Force One Reviews

For close to two hours the movie carries you through a twisted story of a highjacked plane, not an ordinary plane but the president's plane. That is something that catches my attention, what about you? Once the plane is in the air you will be on the edge of your seat the entire time! An awesome movie with awesome effects (especially at the end) Great acting and story. In the top five for 1997. Recommended. If you liked the idea of a highjacked airplane you will probably like Con Air. If you like the director (Wolfgang Petersen) you will probably like Troy.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Tightly weaved with suspense - Air Force One Reviews

What up Mitcho, see you at my house after scoo. I enjoyed Air Force One very much, and I personally think it's one of Harrison Ford's best movies. It has great suspense and tremendous action, as well as good acting.

One of my best movies - Air Force One Reviews

When I frist heard of this movie I didn't think it would be a good movie, but now, thought I have watched it many times, I still like to watch again ...

Air force one---a classic in my book! - Air Force One Reviews

From beginning to end, Air Force One is a relentlessly gripping thrill ride, cumulating suspense with one superbly taut sequence after another. You can chalk this one up as another success for superstar Harrison Ford and director Wolfgang Peterson, who's consistently been one of the better action filmmakers around. Ford stars as James Marshall, the president of the United States. He and his cabinet have just recently made the crucial decision to go after a renegade general named Radek, who threatens to bring back a state of communism to Russia. The mission to capture him is a success, but not long after Marshall and his family board Air Force One on a flight back to the U.S., Russian terrorists posing as news reporters hijack the flight, complete with machine guns and heavy weaponry. Their demands: to have Radek released or else a hostage (50 total) will be executed every half-hour. But in their midst is Marshall, who remains hidden in the cargo bay, ready to take back the plane and save his family. Air Force One never fails to work as a nail-biting actioner. There's also the sense of iminent danger and gutsy unpredictability that director Peterson infuses the film with. Hostages are killed every half-hour, and perhaps even those you expect to live through the situation are killed off pretty quickly; these terrorists are not the slightest bit unflinching or unwavering, making them effective (if not also one-dimensional) villains. I've heard a lot of complaints about the seemingly never-ending conclusion, but for me, it just made the film that much more an unpredictable roller coaster ride, with one edge-of-the-seat cliffhanger after another. The action sequences are the "requisite" shootouts and fistfights, but are truly exciting, and the fact that this is all set on board the world's most famous aircraft adds frantic urgency to the proceedings. There are also a lot of fantastic stunts, the most thrilling one featuring Ford dangling in mid-air, being reeled inside an aircraft with a cable and strap. Harrison Ford has one of the most commanding presences of any Hollywood actor, and Air Force One is almost entirely his show. James Marshall may be too "perfect" for a politician, but this is a red-blooded action flick, and I want a hero Gary Oldman's the villian, and in true Oldman style, you can expect lots of hollering in a somewhat unintelligible accent (which honestly doesn't sound particularly Russian, as it's meant to). Jerry Goldsmith's score is excellent, giving the film additional intensity, and even revving up excitement during the quieter moments. The main theme is a bit overly patriotic, but undeniably rousing. Hard to say, but this is probably the famed composer's best score since Rudy. Aside from the logical flaws in the story, the only time the film really stumbles is in the visual effects category. Don't get me wrong, most of the CGI is superb, but the scene near the end that boasts probably the most hilariously unconvincing (and disappointing) CGI-rendered shot I've ever seen in a big-studio production. Air Force One may be a little silly and implausible, but it's irony-absent presentation is refreshing in a time when just about every other film out there is trying to be as annoyingly sarcastic as possible. In this era of Die-Hard rip-offs, Air Force One is easily one of the best, and for my money, it's more entertaining than the original Die Hard itself.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Wow! - Air Force One Reviews

All I have to say, is that Clinton would have been in the escape pod! An action-thriller that took my breath away when I first saw it on the big screen.

Best action movie since t2 - Air Force One Reviews

One of Harrison Ford's best movies besides The Fugitive. The edge-of-your-seat thriller delivers plenty of action and suspense, the cast is great and the story is great too. Before I first saw it and read the storyline, I thought, Russian terrorists taking over the most well-secured aircraft in the world, kinda lame. But, once I saw it, my mind changed, I understood how the terrorists got access to weapons on board, I think Glenn Close did a great job as the Vice President, I like the ending with the terrorists attacking the plane by jets and the fact that they cant land. Anyway, the movie delivers heart pounding suspense and I would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of action movies.

My thoughts on air force one - Air Force One Reviews

This is a wonderful film. There many good performances turned in by several great actors. Harrison Ford plays the President of the USA and his plane gets hijacked by terrorists. Ford gives a solid performance in his role. But, Gary Oldman, who plays the lead terrorist, steals the show. He is outstanding and a very good actor. Also William H. Macy turns in a good performance playing one of Ford's aids. I thought the story was great and the direction was brigllent. If you have not seen this movie yet I strongly encourage you to go rent or buy it today.

Get off his plane! - Air Force One Reviews

Harrison Ford was wonderful as usual and should have won an oscar. His performance was powerful and left you in awe. He made you want him as your President. This movie is the mest hostage movie and has great special effects.

Buy it - Air Force One Reviews

outstanding mad good movie, great concept and it was well directed. i would strongly suggest buying this movie and/or rent it... goo see it